Рецепт свит корн суп

1 луковица — мелко нарезать
1 картофелина — почистить и мелко нарезать
300 г замороженной кукурузы
750 мл куриного или овощного бульона
200 г очищенных креветок
Немного зелени кориандра — измельчить

Способ приготовления
Пожарьте луковицу до мягкости в небольшом количестве масла в кастрюльке с антипригарным покрытием. Добавьте картофель и кукурузу, посолите и поперчите по вкусу. Добавьте бульон, доведите до кипения, варите 10 минут, добавьте креветки и еще раз доведите до кипения. Добавьте зелень кориандра.

В первое время в Индии этот суп оказался просто находкой для меня, так как по началу очень тяжело европейскому животу привыкнуть к пряной и парой ну очень острой индийской еде. Этот суп не смотря на его простоту обладает приятным, сладковатым вкусом и обвалакивающей консистенцией, к тому же он очень питательный и сытный, после него всегда очень приятно в желудке, и главное, все ингредиенты доступны и легко заменимы при необходимости, что дает простор для творчества. Но самое главное достоинство этого супа - он очень быстро и легко готовится! Итак, я с радостью сейчас делюсь с вами этим рецептом.

  • Куриная грудка;
  • Лук порей (примерно 11 см в длину);
  • Чеснок - 4 дольки с кожицей;
  • Морковь - 1 шт. небольшая;
  • Яйцо - 1 шт.;
  • Сладкая кукуруза - 1 небольшая банка (примерно 200 гр.);
  • Вода - 700 мл. приблизительно;
  • Мука - 2 ст. ложки;
  • Зелень по желанию (у меня немного молодого лука и кинзы для запаха).

By Dassana Amit
Last Updated: August 14, 2020

5 min read • Indo Chinese
40 mins

4.72 from 28 votes • 97 Comments

Sweet corn soup recipe with step by step photos. Easy and delicious corn soup made with sweet corn, herbs and spices.

This is one of those soups which I have been making since ages right from my teens.

The recipe of sweet corn soup was always requested by my parents and sis when they wanted me to cook Indo-Chinese food for them. So during the vacations when the cooking fairy would inspire me, I would end up cooking a lot of stuff apart from Indo Chinese recipes.

Since this is my original recipe and I have been making this yum sweet corn soup for many years, I haven’t much tweaked or adapted the recipe.

I keep the flavorings in the soup minimal so that the taste of the sweet corn comes through the soup. Thats what you want to taste in a corn soup right?

Tips and suggestions for making corn soup

  1. For this soup, you can use the American sweet corn or the regular corn. Since I have made the soup with both of them, I can assure you both ways they taste good.
  2. I used to make this sweet corn soup with half-half of milk and water. The milk would also contribute to the sweetness in the soup. In the recipe post, I have used water. I never have vegetable stock ready at home, so the soups are made with water, milk or nut-milks. If you have veg stock, then you can add it to the soup.
  3. Sometimes I add spring onions to the soup. In the recipe card below I have mentioned the details of adding spring onions. Again grated or finely chopped veggies can also be added.
  4. For making this soup, I do not use cream styled sweet corn from the tins, as I just don’t like the taste nor texture. I have had the cream styled corn soup versions in restaurants and I did not like it. Its always best to use fresh veggies when you cook instead of using tinned stuff. another ingredient which I never use while cooking Indo Chinese food is Ajinomoto.
  5. Use freshly ground pepper as the aroma from freshly ground or crushed pepper adds a lot of depth to this simple sweet corn soup.

How to make one pot sweet corn soup

Preparing corn paste

1: first boil or steam the corn cobs. This can be done in a pan, steamer or pressure cooker. Drain and let the corn cobs cool.

2: with a knife, scrape the corn kernels from the cobs.

3: blend the corn kernels with some water in a blender till smooth. Keep aside a few corn kernels.

Making sweet corn soup

4: heat oil or butter in a pan. add the chopped celery and saute for a minute till the flavors of the celery comes through in the oil. If using spring onions/scallions, then add now. Saute the spring onions till they turn translucent.

5: add the corn paste and stir.

6: pour water or veg stock and stir again.

7: let the soup come to a boil. Add freshly ground pepper & salt & the remaining corn kernels.

8: simmer for a few minutes.

9: Lastly add cornflour paste. This is done to thicken the sweet corn soup. Simmer for a couple of minutes till the corn soup thickens and cornflour gets cooked.

10: Check the seasonings. Pour the corn soup in soup bowls and Serve sweet corn soup hot garnished with chopped celery or scallion/spring onion greens or ground black pepper.

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It’s been a busy Holiday Season and although I’ve been cooking a lot, I haven’t really had the time to do many recipes lately. But, I’m back and I’m determined to post more this year.

I got a lot of encouragement and ideas from my family that visited over the holidays, to expand PictureTheRecipe and improve on it. As part of their suggestions, I’m going to stop being so hard on myself with recipes I actually do that don’t make it on the blog and start posting more recipes including simple day to day dishes. I’m starting today with a Indo-Chinese favorite…Sweet Corn Chicken Soup.

This soup is perfect for this weather cos it’s a comforting healthy soup with sweet corn kernels in a flavorful chicken stock with egg drop. It’s simple to make, warming and delicious…everything you’re looking for a winter dinner.


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Куриный суп с кукурузой / Chicken and sweet corn soup

Незаметно подкралась осень со своей промозглой погодой и хочется уютной, согревающей еды. Этот легкий супчик с восточной ноткой разнообразит ваш осенний рацион и очень прост в приготовлении.

1/2 ст.л. растительного масла
4 перышка зеленого лука (порезать и разделить белые и зеленые части )
2 зубчика чеснока (измельчить)
1 ст. л. имбиря (потереть)
1 красный перчик чили (мелко порезать) - по желанию
4 чашки куриного бульона
250 грамм курицы (отварить и порезать)
2 стакана кукурузы (свежей, срезанной с початка)
1 ст. л. кукурузной муки
2 ст. л. соевого соуса
перец по вкусу
2 яйца (слегка взбить)
1 ч. л. масла жаренных семечек кунжута

1. Разогреть масло в сотейнике.
2. Добавить белые части зеленого лука, чеснок, имбирь, чили и обжарить 1 минуту.
3. Добавить бульон, курицу, кукурузу, муку, соевый соус, довести до кипения и варить 10 минут.
4. Помешивая слабокипящий суп, тонкой струйкой ввести яйца.
5. Снять с огня, добавить кунжутное масло.
6. Подавать с зелеными частями лука и кинзой.

By swasthi , on November 5, 2019 , 43 Comments

Sweet corn soup recipe – a comforting, healthy and delicious mixed soup make with corn kernels & veggies. Sweet corn soup is a popular soup from the Indo Chinese cuisine & is very common on the Indian Chinese restaurant menus.

It is a favorite among many Indians. Sweet corn soup is usually served as a starter before the Indo Chinese main meal. However it tastes so delicious and can just be had anytime of the day.

Sometimes I even end up making this for a weekend breakfast along with some bread toast or egg toast.

This soup goes also very well with some noodles or fried rice. You can also just add some boiled noodles to the soup towards the end to make a sweet corn noodle soup.

Usually Indian Chinese restaurants use corn starch to thicken the sweet corn soup. I rarely use corn starch and instead use a potato to thicken the soup. It tastes so good and is healthier.

Step-by-step photos

Preparation for sweet corn soup

1. I used carrots, beans, peas, spring onions and sweet corn kernels. I used potato as well to thicken the soup. It is optional and you may skip if you prefer the Indo Chinese style.

2. Wash, peel and chop carrots. Also chop spring onions, beans, garlic and ginger.

3. Heat oil in a pot. Add ginger garlic and saute until it turns aromatic. You can also skip ginger if you do not prefer.

4. Then add spring onion whites, peas, sweet corn, potatoes (optional) & beans. Saute them on a high flame for 2 to 3 mins.

How to make sweet corn soup

5. Pour water and mix well. Simmer the soup until the veggies turn tender.

6. Optional – When the veggies are soft, stir in 1 tsp corn starch with few tbsps. Water and pour it slowly to the soup.

If desired you can also puree half cup corn kernels with little water in a blender until you get a smooth puree. Then pass it through a strainer and mix well. Boil until the soup turns thick to suit your liking.

7. Add sugar, salt, spring onion greens & pepper. Taste the soup and add more salt if needed.

Transfer to serving bowls and you can add a bit of vinegar & chilli sauce for restaurant flavors. Serve sweet corn soup hot or warm.

Tips to make sweet corn soup

  1. I have use frozen sweet corn kernels. You can also use corn on the cob. Just rinse the corn cob first and then remove the kernels with a knife.
  2. You can also use canned sweet corn kernels.
  3. To make Chinese restaurant style sweet corn soup, dissolve about 1 tsp corn starch in 2 few tbsps of water and pour it to the soup once the corn kernels are tender.
  4. Vinegar, chilli sauce & ground white pepper are served alongside sweet corn soup in restaurants. You can add them as desired just before serving. I avoid vinegar and chilli sauce as I have kids at home.
  5. Arrowroot powder or potato starch can also be used to thicken the soup.


  1. To make the soup creamy you can also puree half cup of sweet corn kernels with little water in a blender. Pass it through a strainer and boil until the soup thickens. You can also add some corn starch along with this.
  2. You can also add some shredded chicken to the soup. This turns very delicious and you can also stir in some soya sauce, green chili sauce & vinegar just before serving.
  3. Usually oil is used to make Indo Chinese soup. But you can also use butter to have a buttery soup. Garlic sauteed in butter lends a too good flavor to the soup. Kids will surely love this.
  4. You can even add some cooked noodles to this to make sweet corn soupy noodles.

You can also serve this to a baby over 8 months just skip the ginger garlic pepper in the recipe. Puree the veggies with some soup and serve.

Арт-кафе ОМ Нирвана запись закреплена

6 ФЕВРАЛЯ, ЧЕТВЕРГ С 12:00 до 16:00
⠀ ⠀

Vegetarian lunch:

- СВИТ КОРН СУП /VEGETABLE SWEET CORN SOUP (Овощной суп из кукурузы, приправленный соевым соусом).

- МАТТАР ПАНИР/ MUTTER PANEER (Прекрасное сочетание панира с зелёным горошком в соусе карри).

- САЛАТ из свежих овощей
- ТАНДУРИ ПАРАТХА/TANDOORI PARATHA (Мягкая слоёная лепёшечка со сливочным маслом или без него)

Meat lunch:

- СВИТ КОРН СУП /VEGETABLE SWEET CORN SOUP (Овощной суп из кукурузы, приправленный соевым соусом).

- ЧИКЕН КАРРИ/CHICKEN CURRY (Цыпленок, приготовленный, со свежей зеленью и нежными специями).

- САЛАТ из свежих овощей
- ТАНДУРИ ПАРАТХА/TANDOORI PARATHA (Мягкая слоёная лепёшечка со сливочным маслом или без него)

Стоимость: 300 рублей

Арт-кафе ОМ Нирвана @cafe_omnirvana Красный проспект 29/1 (100 метров от Площади Ленина)

It’s been a busy Holiday Season and although I’ve been cooking a lot, I haven’t really had the time to do many recipes lately. But, I’m back and I’m determined to post more this year.

I got a lot of encouragement and ideas from my family that visited over the holidays, to expand PictureTheRecipe and improve on it. As part of their suggestions, I’m going to stop being so hard on myself with recipes I actually do that don’t make it on the blog and start posting more recipes including simple day to day dishes. I’m starting today with a Indo-Chinese favorite…Sweet Corn Chicken Soup.

This soup is perfect for this weather cos it’s a comforting healthy soup with sweet corn kernels in a flavorful chicken stock with egg drop. It’s simple to make, warming and delicious…everything you’re looking for a winter dinner.

sweet corn soup recipe | sweet corn veg soup | chinese sweet corn soup with detailed photo and video recipe. easy and healthy creamy soup recipe made with sweet corn kernels and indo chinese sauces. it is a great party starter or party appetizer recipe and can be served just before the meals. it is simple and easy to make soup recipe and can be made with basic ingredients available in most of the indian kitchens.

sweet corn soup recipe | sweet corn veg soup | chinese sweet corn soup with step by step photo and video recipe. soup recipes are non-native dish to the indian cuisine. it was introduced lately and has gathered a lot of interests and appreciations with many indian households. particularly the indo chinese soup recipes have become default starters for any meal. one such soup recipe is sweet corn soup recipe made with corn kernels.

i have always been a huge fan of soup recipes and i try to include in my day to day meals. while i am not particular for any soup categories and i like most of the vegetable-based soups. having said that i have a specific interest to sweet corn soup as it is simple to make, yet delivers the required nutrients to make it perfect balanced meal. moreover the combination of sweetness, sourness and the spiciness make it an great meal starter. in addition there are quite a few variations to this recipe. i have tried to make it a thick by grounding few of corn kernels and added back to soup broth while boiling. some may prefer to have a lite version and same can be done by skipping the grounding step.

furthermore, some important and critical tips, suggestions and variations to sweet corn soup recipe. firstly, i personally recommend using fresh sweet corn kernels for this soup recipe. i would only recommended to use frozen sweet corns only if you do not have access to the fresh one. secondly, the soup is always served warm or hot and should not be served chilled. if you are serving it later, ensure to warm it by either microwave or even re-boiling. lastly, if you are comfortable with meat, you can use non-veg stock, particularly chicken stock. you even get the cubes for the same in supermarkets.

finally, i would like to highlight my other indian soup recipes collection with this post of sweet corn soup recipe. it basically includes recipes like tomato soup, beetroot soup, noodle soup, carrot soup, pumpkin soup, cream of mushroom soup, vegetable clear soup and palak soup. in addition to visit my other related recipes collection like,

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